
How does Cluttering affect people's lives?

Cluttering disorders can affect people's lives in different ways. On this page, I shared with you my essay about the effect of Cluttering on children and two videos about the experiences of clutterers. * Social Problems of Children Having Cluttering Clutterers, people having cluttering disorders, have various problems which affect their social life. Every clutterer has some social problem but, it seems to me that children having cluttering are affected by these problems more than adult clutterers because children are not aware enough about disorders, therefore they tend to blame themselves due to the effects of the disorder. This unawareness makes these children's problems more serious and destructive psychologically. In my opinion, there are three main problems that affect the social life of children having cluttering: communication difficulties, academic failure, and peer victimization. Firstly, communication problems that are caused by cluttering affect children seriously. C...

How is Cluttering treated?

Cluttering is a speech disorder that less known because it has a shortage of research and a lack of a widely accepted definition in literature. The common definition of cluttering is rapid, unclear, and disorganized speech. Cluttering is an important disorder that causes serious communication problems, therefore progressing research and finding accepted cures for cluttering is necessary. Despite the lack of data, there are several treatment modalities used by Speech and Language Therapists which are interacting with listeners, slowing speech, and using organized language. The first treatment technique that helps people having cluttering to communicate easier, is interacting with listeners during the speech. Clutterers should train to understand the signals of the listener's confusion. Therapists teach clients to respond to such subtle signals of confusion such as the wrinkling of a listener’s brow, thus clutterers can anticipate, perceive, and respond to standard cues provided by l...

How to calculate your speech rate?

In cluttering, your speech rate is a crucial element. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the speech rate. Apart from your speech rate, there are other indicators that can help to determine whether or not you clutter. These calculations are important to diagnose.  If you wonder about how to calculate your speech rate and the length of your pauses to do yourself, you can watch these two videos and you can learn what kind of programmes and systems are used to calculate speech rate.

What is Cluttering?

Cluttering is a speech disorder that less known because it has a shortage of research and a lack of a widely accepted definition in literature. The common definition of cluttering is rapid, unclear, and disorganized speech. * You can watch this video which was recorded by Lisa Higbee who is a Speech and Language Pathologist. She is talking about what is the definition of Cluttering, what are treatment approach to Cluttering and she is giving some advice for Clutterers. * In addition, you can listen to this podcast about Cluttering. This video includes several definitions of Cluttering, what is its symptoms and treatment objectives.  Also, there are other videos about Speech Therapy on this channel, if you want, you can subscribe to this channel and watch other videos.  * What are the symptoms of Cluttering? You can watch this video that mentions the symptoms of Cluttering. A Speech and Language Therapist and two people having Cluttering Disorder talk about experiences and sym...